Greetings Around the World: Hello, Thank You, and Goodbye in 50 Languages

Unlock the world's languages! Learn to say hello, thanks & goodbye in 50 tongues. Impress locals, make friends globally & boost your cultural IQ instantly!

Michele Sturgis

7/9/20245 min read

a world map with words hello in different languages
a world map with words hello in different languages

In our increasingly interconnected world, knowing how to say a few key phrases in different languages can go a long way. Whether you're a globe-trotter, a language enthusiast, or simply curious about other cultures, this guide will help you greet people, express gratitude, and say farewell in 50 languages from around the world.

How to Use This Guide

For each language, we've provided the English phrase, followed by its translation and an approximate pronunciation guide in parentheses. The pronunciations are based on English phonetics, so they're not perfect, but they'll give you a good starting point.

Note: For the most accurate pronunciation, it's always best to listen to native speakers or use language learning resources with audio guides.

Let's Get Started!

1. English

  • Hello in English: Hello (heh-LOH)

  • Thank you in English: Thank you (THANK-yoo)

  • Goodbye in English: Goodbye (good-BYE)

2. Spanish

3. Korean

4. Japanese

5. Italian

  • Hello in Italian: Ciao (CHOW)

  • Thank you in Italian: Grazie (GRAHT-tsyeh)

  • Goodbye in Italian: Arrivederci (ah-ree-veh-DEHR-chee)

6. Russian

7. German

8. French

  • Hello in French: Bonjour (bohn-ZHOOR)

  • Thank you in French: Merci (mare-SEE)

  • Goodbye in French: Au revoir (oh ruh-VWAHR)

9. Chinese (Mandarin)

  • Hello in Chinese: 你好 (nee HOW)

  • Thank you in Chinese: 谢谢 (syeh-syeh)

  • Goodbye in Chinese: 再见 (dzai-jian)

10. Arabic

11. Portuguese

  • Hello in Portuguese: Olá (oh-LA)

  • Thank you in Portuguese: Obrigado/Obrigada (oh-bree-GAH-doo / oh-bree-GAH-da)

  • Goodbye in Portuguese: Adeus (ah-DE-oosh)

12. Greek

13. Vietnamese

14. Thai

15. Polish

16. Dutch

17. Swedish

  • Hello in Swedish: Hej (hey)

  • Thank you in Swedish: Tack (tahk)

  • Goodbye in Swedish: Hej då (hay doe)

18. Danish

  • Hello in Danish: Hej (hey)

  • Thank you in Danish: Tak (tak)

  • Goodbye in Danish: Farvel (fa-VEL)

19. Norwegian

  • Hello in Norwegian: Hei (hey)

  • Thank you in Norwegian: Takk (tahk)

  • Goodbye in Norwegian: Ha det bra (ha de bra)

20. Finnish

  • Hello in Finnish: Hei (hey)

  • Thank you in Finnish: Kiitos (KEE-tos)

  • Goodbye in Finnish: Näkemiin (NA-ke-meen)

21. Turkish

22. Hindi

23. Bengali

24. Urdu

25. Punjabi

26. Tamil

27. Telugu

28. Marathi

29. Gujarati

30. Kannada

31. Malayalam

32. Indonesian

33. Malay

34. Tagalog

  • Hello in Tagalog: Kumusta (koo-MOO-sta)

  • Thank you in Tagalog: Salamat (sa-LA-mat)

  • Goodbye in Tagalog: Paalam (pa-A-lam)

35. Swahili

  • Hello in Swahili: Jambo (JAHM-boh)

  • Thank you in Swahili: Asante (a-SAN-teh)

  • Goodbye in Swahili: Kwaheri (kwa-HE-ri)

36. Zulu

37. Xhosa

38. Afrikaans

  • Hello in Afrikaans: Hallo (HAH-loh)

  • Thank you in Afrikaans: Dankie (DAHN-key)

  • Goodbye in Afrikaans: Totsiens (tot-SEENS)

39. Hebrew

40. Persian

41. Ukrainian

42. Czech

43. Slovak

44. Romanian

45. Hungarian

46. Bulgarian

47. Croatian

  • Hello in Croatian: Bok (bohk)

  • Thank you in Croatian: Hvala (HVA-la)

  • Goodbye in Croatian: Doviđenja (do-vee-JEN-ya)

48. Serbian

  • Hello in Serbian: Здраво (ZDRA-vo)

  • Thank you in Serbian: Хвала (HVA-la)

  • Goodbye in Serbian: Довиђења (do-vee-JEN-ya)

49. Slovenian

  • Hello in Slovenian: Živjo (ZHEE-vyo)

  • Thank you in Slovenian: Hvala (HVA-la)

  • Goodbye in Slovenian: Nasvidenje (nas-vi-DE-nye)

50. Estonian

  • Hello in Estonian: Tere (TEH-reh)

  • Thank you in Estonian: Aitäh (AI-tah)

  • Goodbye in Estonian: Nägemist (NA-ge-mist)


Learning these simple greetings can make a world of difference when interacting with people from different cultures. Remember, even if you don't pronounce the words perfectly, most people will appreciate your effort to speak their language.

Do you know any other greetings in languages not covered here? Feel free to share them in the comments!

Happy language learning, and may your global conversations be filled with warm hellos, heartfelt thank yous, and fond farewells!